Donor Registry: The Instrument Exchange Would Not Be Possible Without Your Generous Donation Of Instruments.
Instrument No. Instument Type. Donor.
0001. Marching Tuba D. Rubin
0002. 3/4 Cello (Kay) D. Rubin
0003. 4/4 Cello C. Lee
0004. Flute F. Hills
0005. Clarinet F. Hills
0006. 4/4 Violin J. Godsal
0007. Violin P. Richter
0008. Class. Guitar S. Bowie
0009. Trombone S. Ferguson
0010. Trumpet D. & T. Gills
0011. 4/4 Violin J. MacBride
0012. French Horn J. Godsal
0013. Trumpet B. Johnson
0014. Trumpet B. Johnson
0015. Trombone B. Johnson
0016. Trumpet B. & J. Wuerthener
0017. Autoharp B. & J. Wuerthener
0018. Trumpet Hon. C. Bradford
0019. Trombone C. Julian
0020. 4/4 Violin R. Tomson
0021. Clarinet J. Kauer
0022. Flute L. Hardy
0023. Saxophone D. Kazilionis
0024. Acoustic Guitar K. Miller
0025. 4/4 Violin S. Grange
0026. Flute B. Visentin
0027. Clarinet D . Hobbs
0028. Electric Guitar and Amp R. Peters
0029. Accordion B. Wales
0030. Clarinet B. Goodykoontz
0031. Alto Saxophone R. Horne
0032. Flute A. Haidden
0033. Trumpet K. Hillman-Reed
0034. Accordion S. Bailey
0035. Trumpet N. Fowler, MD
0036. Trumpet M. Katz
0037. 4/4 Violin J. Andrews
0038. Flute A. Poe
0039 Trombone S. Bresler
0040. Trumpet J. Godsal
0041. Electric Bass R. Peters
0042. Crate Amp R. Peters
0043. Roland Electric Piano R. Peters
0044. Electric Guitar R. Peters
0045. Cello N. Wilder
0046. Clarinet N. Goodwin
0047. Clarinet A. Caulfield
0048. Saxaphone M. Hensick
0049. Flute S. Martin
0050. Trumpet C. Lee
0051. Violin C. Sylvester
0052. Clarinet Perilli
0053. Trumpet E. Weagle
0054. Saxophone L. Whittemore
0055. Acoustic Guitar L. Whittemore
0056. Portable Percussion Set L. Whittemore
0057. Flute M. Graves
0058. Flute M. Graves
0059. Suzuki 1/2 Violin H. Dunbar
0060. Lazarro Flute S. Lee
Updated as of June, 12 2013 by T. Lee